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Under no circumstances are people allowed to join within 30 days of being in your last community, if found out then you have a chance of receiving a Membership Revoke/DNH

Membership Revocation means you will no longer be allowed in the ALO server/partner servers, you can remain associated with members as that is outside the community. This policy remains with the individual for 6 months till they are allowed to appeal their revocation. Implementation starts as followed- Breaking the rules majorly, or poaching, and or failure to comply to the Board of Directors of something legally asked upon you.

When you received a membership revoke, you would have received a message from the Chief of Communications when it started with the reasoning, how to appeal it, and a link to a form, fill the form out and wait for a message/friend request from the Chief of Communications and he/she will have a conversation with you and explain their process moving forward.

This is a rare removal, implementation starts as followed- Breaking the rules majorly, or poaching, and or failure to comply to the Board of Directors of something legally asked upon you. you will have received the same process from the Chief of Communications as it says for the Membership Revoke Appeal.

If you wish to transfer from one squad to another squad, please contact your section chief, they will get in touch with the higher chain and go over who your new Chain of Command will be after transferring from one squad to another. The same result comes with a division transfer. Ranks are subject to change due to loss of open positions and or suspension due to open positions.

Your Chain of Command is the people who have a higher rank than you and or title, the reason for sort is for individuals who are trained to help will be able to help you out, so make sure to contact the next rank up, if you cant get ahold of the next rank up then wait 5 minutes then try the next higher ranked individual.

A rank suspension is only issued to individuals who are unable to keep up with or don’t want to perform their voluntary duties as a staff member but would like to remain a staff member for the rank and or title. Depending on circumstances a suspension isn’t bad, yes it is to prohibit from ranking up but it is also to give an opportunity to step down if need be by a overly busy schedule or personal reasons to the individual, timing of suspension or requirements of suspension vary upon situation.

When appealing, You will have received a message from your general when it started with the reasoning, and how to appeal it, depending on the situation, it will tell you to do certain tasks asked by the general or it will tell you to contact the Chief of Communications, he/she will have a conversation with you and explain their process moving forward.

All inactive members will be messaged within a 21 day period, if you do not message in the server within 7 days of that, you will be brought down to a visitor.

If you leave the discord server as a member, you have 24 hours from the time you left to rejoin and everything will stay the same for you as far as rank, responsibilities etc.

As a gaming community, it is self ran and volunteer based, everyone has the ability to lead the community as they see fit upon working together, upon being a staff member, if you do not perform the voluntary duties of the position, strikes will be placed, 3 strikes can lead to a demotion.

If you become a member of another community while in this community, the other community will be informed as well as you will be placed under a Membership Revoke.